The Importance of Breath

“ With every breath, we breathe in new possibilities”

What is Yogic Breath? A recent study found practicing yogic breathing improved symptoms and lung function in patients with mild-to-moderate asthma. Improving breathing can help build endurance, optimize performance and keep your lungs and heart healthy.

Yogic Breathing lowers stress and improves cardiac function. It increases respiratory endurance, lowers heart rate, releases muscular tension, and helps us prepare for deeper meditation.

When we breathe as yogis, we practice a three-part breath:

  • The Inhale: with intention, fluid, seamless

  • The Hold: Breath retention

  • The Exhale: Long, Slow, release

Full, deep breaths utilize the entire respiratory system. Breathing in this manner activates the diaphragm, rib cage, and abdomen. With every inhale and exhale, we create space for the new.

“Yoga without Breath is like a Tree without Sun”

Samantha BlausteinComment